The golden bridge is just around the bend are words from the song That’s What They Always Say by Chris Rea.
Is your Golden Bridge just around the bend? The bend that goes on forever.
A friend of mine told me that he was looking to move to a new town in a new country.
When I asked him why he said “Things will be different there, I will be a different me'”
As my friend mentioned these words the famous words from the Zen Meditation Teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn came to mind.
“Wherever you go, there you are.”
A new town, a new country.
Nothing will change for you until you find peace within.
Turn off the technology.
Relax, close your eyes and notice your breath.
Make some time for yourself.
You don’t need a guru or spend thousands of pounds on expensive courses to find the peace within.
Avoid the temptation that some would lead you to believe that this is all new world stuff.
Marcus Aurelius shared these words centuries ago in his meditation 4.3.1
“People seek retreats for themselves, in houses, in the country, seashores, and mountains, and also tend to desire such things very much. But this is altogether the mark of the most common people, for it is in their power to retire into themselves whenever they choose.
For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a person retire into their own soul, particularly when they have within them such thoughts that by looking into them they immediately are in perfect tranquillity.
Enjoy an amazing day.
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